It provides tips in achieving energy savings for common electrical appliances used in households and also lists benefits of switching to energy-efficient fixtures from an environmental perspective
Energy Conservation & Efficiency

It provides tips in achieving energy savings for common electrical appliances used in households and also lists benefits of switching to energy-efficient fixtures from an environmental perspective
Auroville Consulting and Energy Indeed from the Netherlands have been working together to foster Indo-Dutch solar PV cooperation.
Auroville Consulting installed a new technology that combines solar photovoltaics and solar thermal in a single system.
On-the-ground energy and water audits for Auroville
Urban centers account for about 80% of the global energy demand, while also contributing to about 80% of a Nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Energy demand, economic growth and urbanization are intrinsically linked to each other
Assisting the Mangalore City Corporation (MCC) in their application for the Smart City initiative of the Ministry of Urban Development (MOU).