Briefing Note: Financial Attractiveness of Rooftop Solar Energy for Domestic Consumers in Tamil Nadu

Briefing Note - Financial Attractiveness Of Rooftop Solar Energy For Domestic Consumers In Tamil Nadu

Report evaluates financial attractiveness of rooftop PV for different system sizes and capacities in Tamil Nadu for domestic consumers.

Modelling Time-of-Use Electricity Tariffs for Tamil Nadu

Modelling Time of Use Electricity Tariffs for Tamil Nadu

The report evaluates the impact of different time of use (ToU) tariff designs on key grid management parameters for the Tamil Nadu grid.

Electric Cooking as an Alternative to Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) in Tamil Nadu

Electric cooking as an alternative to Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) in Tamil Nadu

Traditionally, India’s domestic fuel consumption was met with firewood. Over the years due to high indoor household pollution and health implications of firewood, LPG was adopted for domestic cooking with the help of many government schemes and subsidies. As of July 2022, over 2,895 lakh households in India and 217 lakh households in Tamil Nadu

Impact Study on Electricity Sourcing (Solar PV) and Storage – Auroville

The study, initiated and conducted by Auroville Consulting aimed to survey energy efficiency in homes and facilities in Auroville.