Modelling Time-of-Use Electricity Tariffs for Tamil Nadu

Modelling Time of Use Electricity Tariffs for Tamil Nadu

The report evaluates the impact of different time of use (ToU) tariff designs on key grid management parameters for the Tamil Nadu grid.

Electricity Subsidy and a just Energy Transition in Tamil Nadu

Electricity subsidy and a just energy transition

Are incumbent energy subsides provided by the Tamil Nadu government supporting a just energy transition?

Reaching 50% Energy from Renewables by 2030


To stay competitive in an increasingly decarbonizing global market MSMEs from Tamil Nadu will require affordable access to clean energy.

Clean Energy Access for Tamil Nadu’s MSMEs


To stay competitive in an increasingly decarbonizing global market MSMEs from Tamil Nadu will require affordable access to clean energy.

Pathways to Decarbonisation – Modelling Tamil Nadu’s Power Sector Decarbonisation

Tamil Nadu’s electricity demand is expected to increase year on year, and so are the sector’s absolute carbon dioxide emissions.

Tamil Nadu’s electricity demand is expected to increase year on year, and so are the sector’s absolute carbon dioxide emissions.