Briefing Note: Electrification of Top-Performing Industries in Tamil Nadu

Electricity subsidy and a just energy transition in Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu is one of the most industrialised states in India and accounted for 9.47% of India’s GDP in FY 2020-21. Tamil Nadu aspires to be a leading export state in India at a time when more countries are proposing Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). CBAM includes the introduction of a carbon price on certain

Briefing Note Community Solar: How to Meet Tamil Nadu’s Solar Energy Target & Reduce the State’s Subsidy Burden?

Community Solar: How to Meet Tamil Nadu’s Solar Energy Target & Reduce the State’s Subsidy Burden?

This note explores the potential of a State Government facilitated community solar energy program or rooftop solar program for domestic consumers as a mitigation strategy for a rationalization of electricity tariffs. The combination of (i) phasing out electricity subsidy for all domestic consumers, (ii) a tariff rationalization for the domestic electricity category (I-A), and (iii)

Briefing Note: Financial Attractiveness of Rooftop Solar Energy for Domestic Consumers in Tamil Nadu.

Briefing Note: Financial Attractiveness of Rooftop Solar Energy for Domestic Consumers in Tamil Nadu.

The Tamil Nadu Solar Energy Policy 2019, set an overall solar energy target of 9,000 MW. 40 percent of this target, or 3,600 MW, is meant to be met from the consumer category (behind-the-meter) or rooftop solar segment. As of 31st March 2021, a cumulative rooftop solar capacity of 325 MW has been recorded in

Auroville Smart Mini-Grid | Phase 2

Auroville Smart Mini-Grid | Phase 2

The second phase of the Auroville Smart Mini Grid is also complete. Driven and conceived by Auroville Consulting it compromises 108 kW of distributed rooftop solar energy systems.  The solar PV systems reduces Auroville’s electricity consumption from the TANGEDCO grid by an average of 1,57,680 kWh per year and reduces it’s dependency on TANGEDCO. This is another

Levelised Cost of BtM Storage in India 2021 – A Status Report

Levelised Cost of BtM Storage in India 2021 – A Status Report

This status report aims to present a snapshot of the current cost of energy storage in India for behind-the-meter (BtM) applications.

2021 Solar Plus Energy Storage: Feasibility of Behind-the-Meter systems for HT consumers in Tamil Nadu

2021 Solar Plus Energy Storage: Feasibility of Behind-the-Meter systems for HT consumers in Tamil Nadu

Unreliable grid supply drives consumers towards deploying power back-up solutions such as uninterrupted power systems and diesel generators. Solar plus energy storage becomes an increasingly attractive alternative as it can provide a degree of energy security and independence to the consumer. It is cheaper, quieter, takes up less space, avoids emissions and has a shorter