Reaching 50% Energy from Renewables by 2030


To stay competitive in an increasingly decarbonizing global market MSMEs from Tamil Nadu will require affordable access to clean energy.

Pathways to Decarbonisation – Modelling Tamil Nadu’s Power Sector Decarbonisation

Tamil Nadu’s electricity demand is expected to increase year on year, and so are the sector’s absolute carbon dioxide emissions.

Tamil Nadu’s electricity demand is expected to increase year on year, and so are the sector’s absolute carbon dioxide emissions.

Unlocking Offshore Wind in Tamil Nadu

Offshore wind technology has advantages such as eliminating the need for land and harnessing energy from better wind conditions than onshore.

Levelised Cost of BtM Storage in India 2021 – A Status Report

Levelised Cost of BtM Storage in India 2021 – A Status Report

This status report aims to present a snapshot of the current cost of energy storage in India for behind-the-meter (BtM) applications.

2021 Solar Plus Energy Storage: Feasibility of Behind-the-Meter systems for HT consumers in Tamil Nadu

2021 Solar Plus Energy Storage: Feasibility of Behind-the-Meter systems for HT consumers in Tamil Nadu

Unreliable grid supply drives consumers towards deploying power back-up solutions such as uninterrupted power systems and diesel generators. Solar plus energy storage becomes an increasingly attractive alternative as it can provide a degree of energy security and independence to the consumer. It is cheaper, quieter, takes up less space, avoids emissions and has a shorter

Levelised Cost Calculator For Distributed Energy Resources v2.0

Levelised Cost Calculator For Distributed Energy Resources v3.0

Distributed solar PV and distributed energy resources (DERs) are a key part of the sustainable energy future. Compared to conventional power, the costs and benefits of DERs are more distributed in nature. We have developed the Levelised Cost Calculator for Distributed Energy Resources as a part of our efforts to quantify these costs and benefits.