Briefing Note: Electrification of Top-Performing Industries in Tamil Nadu

Electricity subsidy and a just energy transition in Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu is one of the most industrialised states in India and accounted for 9.47% of India’s GDP in FY 2020-21. Tamil Nadu aspires to be a leading export state in India at a time when more countries are proposing Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). CBAM includes the introduction of a carbon price on certain

Briefing Note: Recovery of TANGEDCO’s Fixed Costs for Generation, Distribution, and Transmission.

Briefing Note: Recovery of TANGEDCO’s Fixed Costs for Generation, Distribution, and Transmission.

This briefing note analyses the recovery of fixed costs through demand/fixed charges, compares the average fixed costs incurred with the fixed charges levied for select consumer categories, and finally compares the increase in the monthly billing rate of select consumer categories upon an increase in the fixed charges.  In none of the years from FY

Assessing the Impact of Tamil Nadu’s Electricity Tariff Policy on TANGEDCO’S Financial Performance

Assessing the Impact of Tamil Nadu’s Electricity Tariff Policy on TANGEDCO’S Financial Performance

Electricity consumption is one of the most telling indicators to assess a nation’s economic development. A financially robust and vibrant electricity sector is pivotal for economic growth and is considered vital for a nation’s overall development.  Tamil Nadu is one of the states with free electricity for agriculture and  electricity tariffs for several other consumer